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Is this dead game

deadge, i want some more rachel conteeeeeent




Where pregnancy??

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lacks soundtrack for the whole game, has auto option but no quick menu for auto button/quick save! there is so much content that requires clicking way too much and waiting a bit after every click so no auto is big turn off! also this game has the worst sandbox element of all time with 2 requirements of love and harem acceptance you need to raise forcing you to click same content over 70 times for each of the girls on different days since same content doesn't always show in the week so you can finally advance in story, isn't that crazy? and again no auto so you're forced to click every little thing and no quick sleep button to advance day so again more clicks! Edit: you know what's even more annoying, I started the bonus chapters and all problems are fixed! surprised most people who bother to write in comments never mention important details like this in many famous avns

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Hiiii NoMeme can I ask a question any updates from Virtues Theodora's Lie.... and for Virtues What If thank you....


Im Chinese with poor English skills,who can tell me how to get the 3 bonus chapters of virtue?thanks a lot!

All can do is skip time,no drama no interaction,even little dialogue!

There is no option to choose the language, there is only English, when there is Portuguese-br, who knows I will play again

GI've me save file


Hello nutsacks since the game has ended... Can some of y'all give me a save file


Well no more update huh, kinda sad.

i'm sad that they didn't continue rachel solo story D:

Hi! On average how long is a normal playthrough?

depends if you skip to get to the scenes or if you actually read the dialogues: i'd say 3 to 5 hours if you skip and 15+ if you read all




The game is overall good but the main character is an asshole and way too pushy, it makes me uncomfortable.


Yeah, I agree with what you said about the MC. He's way too pushy. The first girl you sleep with asks the MC to be gentle and he immediately goes hard and ends up hurting her. That alone made me stop playing the game. I like the visuals, and the girls all look great, but I just can't enjoy a game with an unlikable protagonist. Maybe I'll give it another try later.


you also develop pheonixes that's why it's  so familiar lol

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no cap tho. this is the first NSFW game i played (in 2021 or 2022 and i still play it to this day, the characters are just too hot for me to quit this game). and now im addicted to this game, sad it ended tho :c

damn bro you need some help.. but I'd  say you got good a good taste

nuh uh

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